Los productos de Microtrac no sólo son de máxima calidad, sino que también cumplen las normas ASTM, DIN, ISO y USP. Nos esforzamos al máximo por garantizar que nuestros productos cumplan todos los requisitos necesarios, para que pueda confiar en que le ofrecemos lo mejor. Nuestro compromiso con la calidad y el cumplimiento se refleja en nuestro equipo de expertos en el control de la calidad, que supervisan cada paso del proceso de fabricación. Con nuestros productos, puede estar seguro de que obtiene productos que no sólo son duraderos y fiables, sino que también cumplen las normas más rigurosas de la industria.
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM B922 | Standard Test Method for Metal Powder Specific Surface Area by Physical Adsorption | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM B923 | Standard Test Method for Metal Powder Skeletal Density by Helium or Nitrogen Pycnometry | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM C1069 | Standard Test Method for Specific Surface Area of Alumina or Quartz by Nitrogen Adsorption | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM C110 | Standard Test Methods for Physical Testing of Quicklime, Hydrated Lime, and Limestone | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X, BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM C1240 | Standard Specification for Silica Fume Used in Cementitious Mixtures | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X, BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM C1274 | Standard Test Method for Advanced Ceramic Specific Surface Area by Physical Adsorption | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM C604 | Standard Test Method for True Specific Gravity of Refractory Materials by Gas-Comparison Pycnometer | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D1993 | Standard Test Method for Precipitated Silica-Surface Area by Multipoint BET Nitrogen Adsorption | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D2638 | Standard Test Method for Real Density of Calcined Petroleum Coke by Helium Pycnometer | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D3663-20 | Standard Test Method for Surface Area of Catalysts and Catalyst Carriers | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D3908 | Standard Test Method for Hydrogen Chemisorption on Supported Platinum Catalysts by Volumetric Vacuum Method | BELSORP MAX II (Chemisorption) |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D4222 | Standard Test Method for Determination of Nitrogen Adsorption and Desorption Isotherms of Catalysts and Catalyst Carriers by Static Volumetric Measurements | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D4284 | Standard Test Method for Determining Pore Volume Distribution of Catalysts and Catalyst Carriers by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry | BELPORE LP, BELPORE MP, BELPORE HP |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D4365 | Standard Test Method for Determining Micropore Volume and Zeolite Area of a Catalyst | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D4404 | Standard Test Method for Determination of Pore Volume and Pore Volume Distribution of Soil and Rock by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry | BELPORE LP, BELPORE MP, BELPORE HP |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D4567 | Standard Test Method for Single-Point Determination of Specific Surface Area of Catalysts and Catalyst Carriers Using Nitrogen Adsorption by Continuous Flow Method | BELSORP MR1 |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D4641 | Standard Practice for Calculation of Pore Size Distributions of Catalysts and Catalyst Carriers from Nitrogen Desorption Isotherms | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D4780 | Standard Test Method for Determination of Low Surface Area of Catalysts and Catalyst Carriers by Multipoint Krypton Adsorption | BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D4824 | Standard Test Method for Determination of Catalyst Acidity by Ammonia Chemisorption | BELCAT II, BELMASS II |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D4892 | Standard Test Method for Density of Solid Pitch (Helium Pycnometer Method) | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D5160 | Standard Guide for Gas-Phase Adsorption Testing of Activated Carbon | BELCAT II, BELMASS II |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D5550 | Standard Test Method for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by Gas Pycnometer | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D5604-21 | Standard Test Methods for Precipitated Silica – Surface Area by Single Point B.E.T. Nitrogen Adsorption | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D5965 | Standard Test Methods for Density of Coating Powders | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D6093 | Standard Test Method for Percent Volume Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or Pigmented Coatings Using a Helium Gas Pycnometer | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D6226 | Standard Test Method for Open Cell Content of Rigid Cellular Plastics | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D6556 | Standard Test Method for Carbon Black – Total and External Surface Area by Nitrogen Adsorption | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D6761 | Standard Test Method for Determination of the Total Pore Volume of Catalysts and Catalyst Carriers | BELPORE LP, BELPORE MP, BELPORE HP, BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D70 | Standard Test Method for Density of Semi-Solid Asphalt Binder (Pycnometer Method) | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM D8325 | Standard Guide for Evaluation of Nuclear Graphite Surface Area and Porosity by Gas Adsorption Measurements | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM E2864 | Standard Test Method for Measurement of Airborne Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Surface Area Concentration in Inhalation Exposure Chambers using Krypton Gas Adsorption | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM WK92393 | New Guide for Carbon Monoxide Chemisorption on Supported Platinum on Alumina Catalysts Using Dynamic Flow Method | BELCAT II, BELMASS II, BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ASTM WK92395 | New Test Method for Acid Site Characterization on Zeolites Using Dynamic Flow Method | BELCAT II, BELMASS II |
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Adsorción de gases | DIN 66134 (1998-02) | Determination of the Pore Size Distribution and the Specific Surface Area of Mesoporous Solids by Means of Nitrogen Sorption – Method of Barrett, Joyner and Halenda (BJH) | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | DIN 66135-1 (2001-06) | Particle Measurement Technology – Micropore Analysis Using Gas Adsorption – Part 1: Basics and Measurement Methods | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | DIN 66135-2 (2001-06) | Particle Characterization – Micropore Analysis by Gas Adsorption – Part 2: Evaluation by Isotherms Comparison | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | DIN 66135-3 (2001-06) | Particle Measurement Technology – Micropore Analysis Using Gas Adsorption – Part 3: Determination of the Micropore Volume According to Dubinin and Radushkevich | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | DIN 66135-4 (2004-09) | Particle Size Analysis – Micropore Analysis by Gas Adsorption – Part 4: Determination of Pore Distribution According to Horvath-Kawazoe and Saito-Foley | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Adsorción de gases | ISO 12154:2014 | Determination of Density by Volumetric Displacement – Skeleton Density by Gas Pycnometry | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ISO 12800:2017 | Nuclear Fuel Technology – Guidelines on the Measurement of the Specific Surface Area of Uranium Oxide Powders by the BET Method | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ISO 15901-1:2016 | Evaluation of Pore Size Distribution and Porosity of Solid Materials by Mercury Porosimetry and Gas Adsorption – Part 1: Mercury Porosimetry | BELPORE LP, BELPORE MP, BELPORE HP |
Adsorción de gases | ISO 15901-2:2022 | Pore Size Distribution and Porosity of Solid Materials by Mercury Porosimetry and Gas Adsorption – Part 2: Analysis of Nanopores by Gas Adsorption | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ISO 18753:2017 | Fine Ceramics (Advanced Ceramics, Advanced Technical Ceramics) – Determination of Absolute Density of Ceramic Powders by Pycnometer | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ISO 18757:2003 | Fine Ceramics (Advanced Ceramics, Advanced Technical Ceramics) – Determination of Specific Surface Area of Ceramic Powders by Gas Adsorption Using the BET Method | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ISO 18852:2015 | Rubber Compounding Ingredients – Determination of Multipoint Nitrogen Surface Area (NSA) And Statistical Thickness Surface Area (STSA) | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | ISO 4652:2020 | Rubber Compounding Ingredients – Carbon Black – Determination of Specific Surface Area by Nitrogen Adsorption Methods – Single-Point Procedures | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X, BELSORP MR1, BELCAT II |
Adsorción de gases | ISO 8008:2005 | Aluminium Oxide Primarily Used for the Production of Aluminium – Determination of Specific Surface Area by Nitrogen Adsorption | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X, BELSORP MR1, BELCAT II |
Adsorción de gases | ISO 8130-2:2021 | Coating Powders – Part 2: Determination of Density by Gas Comparison Pycnometer (Referee Method) | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | ISO 9277:2022 | Determination of the Specific Surface Area of Solids by Gas Adsorption – BET Method | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Adsorción de gases | JIS K 6217-2:2017 | Carbon black for rubber industry -- Fundamental characteristics -- Part 2: Determination of specific surface area -- Nitrogen adsorption methods -- Single-point procedures | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X, BELSORP MR1 |
Adsorción de gases | JIS K 6217-7:2013 | Carbon black for rubber industry -- Fundamental characteristics -- Part 7: Rubber compounding ingredients -- Determination of multipoint nitrogen surface area (NSA) and statistical thickness surface area (STSA) | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | JIS R 1620:1995 | Testing methods for particle density of fine ceramic powder | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | JIS R 1626:1996 | Measuring methods for the specific surface area of fine ceramic powders by gas adsorption using the BET method | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X, BELSORP MR1 |
Adsorción de gases | JIS Z 8830:2013 | Determination of the specific surface area of powders (solids) by gas adsorption -- BET method | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X, BELSORP MR1 |
Adsorción de gases | JIS Z 8831:2024 | Pore size distribution and porosity of solid materials by mercury porosimetry and gas adsorption -- Analysis of nanopores by gas adsorption | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | JIS Z 8837:2018 | Determination of density by volumetric displacement -- Skeleton density by gas pycnometry | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Adsorción de gases | USP 267 | Porosimetry by Mercury Intrusion | BELPORE LP, BELPORE MP, BELPORE HP |
Adsorción de gases | USP 268 | Porosity by Nitrogen Adsorption-Desorption | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X |
Adsorción de gases | USP 699 | Gas Pycnometric Density of Solids | BELPYCNO, BELPYCNO L |
Adsorción de gases | USP 846 | Specific Surface Area | BELSORP MINI X, BELSORP MAX G, BELSORP MAX X, BELSORP MR1, BELCAT II |
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Particle Size & Shape | AASHTO M247 | Standard Glass Beads Used in Traffic Markings | CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | AASHTO PP 74-13 | Determination of size and roundness of glass beads used in traffic markings by means of computerized optical method | CAMSIZER |
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Particle Size & Shape | ASTM B822-20 | Standard Test Method for Particle Size Distribution of Metal Powders and Related Compounds by Light Scattering | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ASTM C1070-01(2020) | Standard Test Method for Determining Particle Size Distribution of Alumina or Quartz by Laser Light Scattering | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ASTM D4456-17 | Standard Test Methods for Physical and Chemical Properties of Powdered Ion Exchange Resins | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ASTM D4464-15(2020) | Standard Test Method for Particle Size Distribution of Catalytic Materials by Laser Light Scattering | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ASTM D5861-07 (2017) | Standard Guide for Significance of Particle Size Measurements of Coating Powders | SYNC, CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ASTM D7928-21e1 | Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Fine-Grained Soils Using the Sedimentation (Hydrometer) Analysis | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ASTM D7681-11 | Standard Test Method for Measuring Gradation of Glass Spheres Using a Flowing Stream Digital Image Analyzer | CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ASTM D7971-20 | Standard Guide for Measuring Roundness of Glass Spheres Using a Flowing Stream Digital Image Analyzer | CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ASTM D8090-24 | Standard Test Method for Particle Size Distribution and Shape Analysis of Paints and Pigments Using Dynamic Imaging Methods | SYNC, CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ASTM E1617-09(2019) | Standard Practice for Reporting Particle Size Characterization Data | SYNC, CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ASTM F1877-24 | Standard Practice for Characterization of Particles | CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ASTM F3571 – 22 | Standard Guide for Additive Manufacturing – Feedstock – Particle Shape Image Analysis by Optical Photography to Identify and Quantify the Agglomerates/Satellites in Metal Powder Feedstock | SYNC, CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ASTM UOP856-07 | Particle Size Distribution of Powders by Laser Light Scattering | SYNC |
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Particle Size & Shape | DIN 66165-1 | Particle size analysis - Sieving Analysis - Part 1: Fundamentals | CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | DIN 66165-2 | Particle size analysis - Sieving Analysis - Part 2: Procedure | CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | DIN EN 14955 | Surfaces for sports areas – Determination of composition and particle shape of unbound mineral surfaces for outdoor sports areas | CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | DIN EN 933-3 | Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates - Part 3: Determination of particle shape - Flakiness index | CAMSIZER |
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 11277:2020 | Soil Quality – Determination of Particle Size Distribution in Mineral Soil Material – Method by Sieving and Sedimentation | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 12103-1:2024 | Road Vehicles – Test Contaminants for Filter Evaluation – Part 1: Arizona Test Dust | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 13320:2020 | Particle Size Analysis – Laser Diffraction Methods | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 13322-1:2014 | Particle Size Analysis – Image Analysis Methods – Part 1: Static Image Analysis Methods | CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 13322-2:2021 | Particle Size Analysis – Image Analysis Methods – Part 2: Dynamic Image Analysis Methods | SYNC, CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 13503-2:2024 | Measurement of properties of proppants used in hydraulic fracturing and gravel-packing operations | CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 14488 | Particulate materials - Sampling and sample splitting for the determination of particulate properties | General requirement |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 17190-11:2001 | Urine-Absorbing Aids for Incontinence – Test Methods for Characterizing Polymer-Based Absorbent Materials – Part 11: Determination of Content of Respirable Particles | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 17190-3 | Urine-Absorbing Aids for Incontinence – Test Methods for Characterizing Polymer-Based Absorbent Materials – Part 3: Determination of particle size distribution by sieve fractionation | CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 24235:2007 | Fine Ceramics (Advanced Ceramics, Advanced Technical Ceramics) – Determination of Particle Size Distribution of Ceramic Powders by Laser Diffraction Method | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 2591-1 | Test Sieving | Sieving, CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 3310-1 | Test sieves - Technical requirements and testing - Test sieves of metal wire cloth | Sieving |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 4365:2005 | Liquid Flow in Open Channels – Sediment in Streams and Canals – Determination of Concentration, Particle Size Distribution and Relative Density | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 8130-13:2019 | Coating Powders – Part 13: Particle Size Analysis by Laser Diffraction | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 9276-1 | Representation of results of particle size analysis | General requirement |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 9276-2:2014 | Representation of results of particle size analysis. Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions | General requirement |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 9276-3:2008 | Representation of results of particle size analysis. Part 3: Adjustment of an experimental curve to a reference model | General requirement |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 9276-4:2001 | Representation of results of particle size analysis. Part 4: Characterization of a classification process | General requirement |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 9276-5:2005 | Representation of results of particle size analysis. Part 5: Methods of calculation relating to particle size analyses using logarithmic normal probability distribution | General requirement |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 9276-6 | Descriptive and quantitative representation of particle shape and morphology | CAMSIZER, SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO EN 1423 | Road marking materials – Drop on materials-Glas beads, antiskid aggregates and mixtures of the two | CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO/ASTM 52907:2019 | Additive Manufacturing – Feedstock Materials – Methods to Characterize Metal Powders | SYNC, CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO 24218-1:2023 | Fine Bubble Technology – Characterization of Fine Bubbles – Part 1: Evaluation of Size and Concentration Indices by Laser Diffraction Method | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | ISO/TR 19997:2018 | Guidelines for good practices in zeta-potential measurement | NANOTRAC II with Zeta |
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Particle Size & Shape | JIS K 5600-9-3 | Testing methods for paints- Part 9:Coating powders-Section 3:Particle size analysis by laser diffraction - related to ISO 8130-13:2001 | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | JIS R 1629 | Determination of particle size distributions for fine ceramic raw powders by laser diffraction method | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | JIS R 1657 | Testing methods of continuous ceramic fibers for continuous fiber- reinforced ceramic matrix Composites | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | JIS R 7607 | Carbon fiber – Determination of filament diameter and cross-sectional area - related to ISO 11567 | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | JIS Z 3284-2 | Solder paste – Par 2: Test methods for solder particle shape, surface condition Judgment, and particle size distribution - related to IEC 61189-6:2206 | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | JIS Z 3285 | Solder paste for micro-joining-Characteristic test methods for solder paste using fine particles | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | JIS Z 8825 | Particle size analysis - laser diffraction methods - related to ISO 13320:2020 | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | JIS Z 8828 | Particle size analysis - Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) - related to ISO 22412:2017 | NANOTRAC |
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Particle Size & Shape | USP 1430.2 | Analytical Methodologies Based on Scattering Phenomena – Light Diffraction Measurements of Particle Size | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | USP 1787 | Unknown Title | SYNC |
Particle Size & Shape | USP 429 | Laser Diffraction Measurement of Particle Size | SYNC, CAMSIZER |
Particle Size & Shape | USP 776 | Optical Microscopy (Particle Size Characterization) | SYNC |
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Particle Size & Shape | VDI 3405 Blatt 2.3 / Part 2.3 | Additive manufacturing processes, rapid manufacturing, Beam melting of metallic parts, Characterisation of powder feedstock | CAMSIZER, SYNC |
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Stability & Dispersibility | ISO 13099-2 | Colloidal systems -Methods for zetapotential determination - Part 2: Optical methods | NANOTRAC |
Stability & Dispersibility | ISO 13317 | Determination of particle size distribution by gravitational liquid sedimentation methods | TURBISCAN |
Stability & Dispersibility | ISO 22412 | Particle size analysis — Dynamic light scattering (DLS) | NANOTRAC |
Stability & Dispersibility | ISO TR 18811:2018 | Cosmetics — Guidelines on the stability testing of cosmetic products | TURBISCAN |
Stability & Dispersibility | ISO TR13097:2013 | Guidelines for the characterization of dispersion stability | TURBISCAN |
Stability & Dispersibility | ISO TS 21357:2022 | Nanotechnologies — Evaluation of the mean size of nano-objects in liquid dispersions by static multiple light scattering (SMLS) | TURBISCAN |
Stability & Dispersibility | ISO TS 22107:2021 | Dispersibility of solid particles into a liquid | TURBISCAN |
Stability & Dispersibility | ISO/TR 22814 | Good practice for DLS measurements | NANOTRAC |
Principio de medición | Estándares | Título de la norma | Modelo(s) pertinente(s) |
Stability & Dispersibility | JIS R 1638 | Test methods of iso-electric point of fine ceramic powders | STABINO ZETA |
Stability & Dispersibility | JIS Z 8836 | Colloidal systems-Methods for zeta-potential determination-Optical methods - related to ISO 13099-2:2021 | STABINO ZETA |