
Caracterización de partículas Análisis del tamaño y de la forma de partículas

It is now over a quarter of a century since Microtrac introduced its first commercial laser diffraction analyzer (Model 7991). Since then, the company has continued to develop and innovate new products and solutions used to determine particle characterization.

With the joining together of Microtrac, Microtrac BEL and Retsch Technology in 2020 under the Microtrac identity, the resulting organisation can now rightly be viewed as a world leader in particle characterization solutions.

Drawing on a combined expertise and passion to deliver unrivalled solutions ensures our portfolio of high-quality solutions makes analysing particles more accurate, effective and convenient. At the same time there is a focus on continual improvement to better assist our customers.

Análisis del tamaño y la forma de las partículas

Manufacturing reliable, high-quality solutions for characterizing particles is at the heart of our business. We produce Laser Diffraction, Dynamic and Static Image Analysis, Dynamic Light Scattering and Dust Characterization solutions in addition to the Sieve & Sieve Shaker solutions that our sister company Retsch has always offered.

Análisis dinámico de imágenes

For particles ranging in size from 0.8 µm to 135 mm, Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA) offers a high-quality solution for particle characterization. Microtrac’s DIA solutions, developed over the last quarter of a century, conform to ISO 13322-2 standards and are capable of analysing 100s of images per second in real-time. In a matter of just a few minutes they can therefore characterize millions of individual particles.

DIA is made possible thanks to a high-resolution / high-speed dual camera system each of which has an ultrabright LED stroboscopic light source enabling miniscule exposure times to capture hundreds of images per second.

The true strength of DIA over other particle characterization techniques is the ability to measure the length & width of any particle and also to provide additional shape Information based on parameters that include aspect ratio, symmetry, roundness, etc.

Difracción láser

With Laser Diffraction (LD) particle characterization is carried out by measuring the angle of light scattered as particles pass through the laser beam(s). LD has a wide dynamic range from submicron upwards.

Results are generated quickly from a large number of particles in each sample with great repeatability and therefore the solution has been widely adopted and is covered by the ISO 13320 standard.

We offer a range of LD solutions with different laser configurations for particle sizing.

Análisis estático de imágenes

For the most precise characterization of powders and suspensions from 0.5 µm to 1500 µm, Microtrac offers a static image analysis solution with a wide magnifications range, complying to the ISO 13322-1 standard.

The sample remains stationery during detection, unlike with DIA. This consequently ensures that every particle imaged in the selected view is pin-sharp. Particle measurement data can then be stored and an overview image gives the user a clear view of the particle quality for that sample.

Analizador de tamaño y forma de partículas

Historically users have either selected a Laser Diffraction or DIA solution when they don't rely on traditional sieving techniques. Both technologies have dedicated groups of users who find that their particular solution meets their specific particle characterization needs.

However, those interested in particle characterization solutions no longer need to decide which is the better of the solutions. Microtrac’s SYNC analyzer has integrated both into one instrument!

The patented synchronous measurement technology provides particle characterization practitioners with a unique measuring experience. It allows users to make both a laser diffraction measurement to ISO 13320 and an image analysis measurement to ISO 13322-2 on a single sample within a size range from 0.01 to 4000 microns, in the same sample at the same time and typically within 30 seconds. In addition, it is simple to switch between wet & dry measurement modules in under 15 seconds.

So, why not discover more about this unique solution? For particle characterization specialists the SYNC is an ideal, affordable, high-quality solution with an impressive array of features that are designed to ensure they exceed your expectations by delivering fast, accurate results time after time. 

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Caracterización de partículas - ¡Contáctenos!

En última instancia, la elección de utilizar una solución de tamizado simple o invertir en difracción láser o análisis de imagen dinámica dependerá del volumen de pruebas, los presupuestos y el personal disponible y cualquier norma internacional específica o requisito del cliente al que se enfrente.

¿Por qué no se pone en contacto con Microtrac para realizar una consulta gratuita y averiguar qué solución le proporcionará el resultado y el rendimiento de la inversión que necesita?