
Medición de partículas Analizadores ópticos innovadores de Microtrac

Particle sizing is a vital step in assuring the final quality of almost any manufactured product and everyone is very aware that quality ‘components’ deliver reliable performance coupled with excellent longevity.

The sizing and characterization of particles is carried out in a multitude of industries from foodstuffs to fertilizers, inks to ceramics and from pharmaceuticals to metal powders. It isn't just applicable in research and development laboratories for the development of new compounds and materials but is equally important for ongoing quality control to ensure standards are maintained from month to month, week to week, day to day and batch to batch.

For certain applications traditional sieving is and can still be used without issue. This method of particle sizing is viewed by many as being extremely cost effective thanks to the relatively low cost of the equipment (sieves and sieve shakers) required. However, it tends to be both time consuming and labour intensive with the requirement to weigh samples and continually clean sieves or a frequent need to replace worn, damaged or corroded sieves to ensure accuracy when measuring particle size.

Of course, other issues with relying on sieves as your method of particle sizing include the process being prone to errors with blockages to the sieve mesh, worn mesh enabling constant errors. In addition, the characterization of shape with small particle sizes isn’t possible and in some production environments the speed of sieving just isn’t fast enough.

Medición de partículas - Resumen de productos

Ofrecemos analizadores para todas las tecnologías modernas de caracterización de partículas.

So what are my particle sizing options?

To combat the issues that have been encountered for millennia by those who have historically relied on sieving solutions, engineering and laboratory equipment manufacturers have released new particle sizing solutions that they believe overcome the limitations of traditional sieving.

These alternative technologies include Laser Diffraction, Dynamic Image Analysis and Static Image Analysis. Let’s take a look at these three technologies in turn and see how they compare for those who are interested in particle sizing or characterization where particle size distribution of large granules, powders, suspended microparticles and nanoscale materials is more easily and more quickly determined with the advanced technologies they employ.

Difracción láser

We begin with Laser Diffraction (LD) which has seen a significant global uptake from practitioners in both research and industrial environments. In fact, many would almost say that Laser Diffraction is the de-facto standard for those who require fast, accurate and repeatable particle sizing to the ISO 13320 (2009) standard.

LD solutions rely on laser beam(s) illuminating a well-dispersed (wet or dry) sample where size distribution is calculated from the resulting scattered light pattern. There is a high degree of automation as would be expected and powerful software solutions have simplified measurement runs over the years.

Análisis dinámico de imágenes

Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA) on the other hand offers a high-quality solution for true particle characterization (which includes both sizing and shape characterization of each particle).

Microtrac’s DIA solutions conform to ISO 13322-2 standards and are capable of analyzing hundreds of images per second in real-time and can therefore characterize millions of individual particles in a dynamic (flowing) sample continually as the minutes tick by.

The real differentiator and unique selling point (USP) of Dynamic Image Analysis over other techniques is the ability to measure the length and width of any particle. It can therefore provide size distribution based on parameters that include aspect ratio, symmetry, roundness, etc.

Microtrac has a unique product offering amongst the best known global providers of particle sizing solutions. The patented Microtrac Sync utilises tri-laser diffraction technology with integrated image analysis cameras to provide practitioners with a solution to make both a laser diffraction measurement to ISO 13320 and an image analysis measurement to ISO 13322-2 on a single sample. Particle sizes may range from 0.01 to 4000 microns and a typical measurement only takes 30 seconds.

Análisis estático de imágenes

Finally, for the most precise characterization of powders and suspensions, Static Image Analysis sizing solutions complying to the ISO 13322-1 standard are available. The sample remains stationery ensuring every particle imaged in the selected view is pin-sharp. Particle sizing data can then be collected, and the overview image gives a clear indication of the overall sample quality.

Whether a practitioner chooses traditional sieving, Laser Diffraction or an Image Analysis solution for particle sizing will often depend on the available budget, staffing resource, the manufacturing / research process, the sector in question and whether what is required is particle sizing data or more in-depth characterization that includes information on both the particle size and shape.

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Medición de partículas - ¡Contáctenos!

To find out which measuring technology is the most suitable for your material, please contact our application experts.

Our team has expertise in all the particle sizing solutions mentioned and would be delighted to offer advice and assistance with your particle sizing / characterization requirements.